As per reports from the cyber intelligence platform FalconFeedsio, the recently emerged Iranian hacking group, Cyber Toufan, has publicly disclosed pilfered data from 49 Israeli companies. Experts attribute the extensive data breach to the compromise of Signature-IT, an organization offering hosting services to approximately 40 companies across Israel.

Cyber Toufan gained notoriety on November 16, 2023, and has since claimed responsibility for breaching several major organizations. The group asserts that it has dismantled over 1,000 servers and databases.

According to FalconFeedsio, the victims of this data leak include prominent entities such as the Israeli Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, Toyota Israel, the Ministry of Social Security, IKEA Israel, and various others.

The cybercriminals managed to access substantial amounts of confidential information from both companies and government agencies. Regularly, they release files ranging from 700 MB to 16 GB, containing millions of records, through their Telegram channel.

Check Point Software Technologies experts suggest that the targeted IT companies were chosen strategically, with some catering to the U.S. market and offering services to international organizations. For instance, Radware provides solutions to numerous major U.S. companies.

Consequently, by infiltrating these Israeli companies, Iranian hackers concurrently inflict damage on their American clients, essentially achieving two objectives with one action.

The assault on Signature-IT serves as a stark example of the swiftly evolving cyber threat landscape. The tactic of hacking a hosting provider to gain access to numerous targets underscores the critical importance of robust cybersecurity measures and employee monitoring.

The cyber warfare between Israel and Iran is intensifying. Recently, the Israeli group Sparrow claimed responsibility for a widespread disruption in the operation of Iranian gas stations, leading to the paralysis of 70% of the gas stations.

Israel and the United States have jointly issued a warning about Iran’s persistent malicious cyber activities, specifically targeting water facilities and other infrastructure sectors. Israel has also reported an Iranian attempt to attack a medical center in Safed.

Full list of Israeli companies affected by the actions of the Cyber ​​Toufan group:

 · SpaceX

 · Brother

 · Graf

 · Dorot


 · Techno-Rezef

 · Ta-Supply

 · NaanDan


 · StraussGroup

 · ZokoEnterprise

 · TEFEN Flow and Dosing Technologies Ltd.

 · Erco

 · Teldor

 · ACE Hardware

 · Shefa Offline

 · Национальный архив Израиля

 · Radware

 · MAX Security & Intelligence

 · Министерство инноваций, науки и технологии

 · Ikea Israel

 · Berkshire

 · Keter Group

 · ISCAR Ltd.

 · Homecenter Israel

 · Управление природы и национальных парков Израиля

 · Академический колледж Тель-Авива

 · Lumenis

 · Toyota Israel

 · H&O for Schools

 · Министерство здравоохранения Израиля

 · SodaStream

 · Toys «R» Us Israel

 · Camel Grinding Wheels (CGW)

 · RESERVED Israel

 · SEACRET Australia

 · Carter’s Oshkosh Israel

 · Hagarin

 · Osem Israel

 · Bermad Israel

 · ZapGroup Israel

 · Novolog

 · Semicom

 · Kravitz

 · Biopet

 · GS1 Israel

 · Audi Dagan Insurance Agency Ltd.

 · Министерство социального обеспечения Израиля

 · Scope Metals Group Ltd

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