A significant cyberattack has impacted shipping companies throughout Europe since Thursday afternoon, with indications pointing to a widespread Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack causing multiple websites to go offline. IT teams are currently engaged in extensive efforts to address and resolve the issue.

Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, Senior Vice President of Viking Line, discussed the far-reaching cyberattack that occurred on Thursday, revealing its notable impact on major shipping companies across Europe. According to reports, it appears to be a DDoS cyber attack affecting shipping companies across the continent, and the affected websites are currently inaccessible as IT departments work to mitigate the problem.

Viking Line, established in 1959, is a prominent shipping company offering cruise, cargo, and passenger services primarily within the Baltic Sea region. With a fleet of more than 50 vessels serving these categories and a workforce of over 2,000 employees, the company plays a significant role in the industry.

A recent report, citing research conducted by law firm HFW, suggests that the shipping sector is particularly vulnerable to cybercriminals. The report highlights a surge in ransomware attacks on shipping companies, with ransom demands skyrocketing by a staggering 350% over the past year.

“Our research reveals that despite advancements in maritime cybersecurity, the industry still faces vulnerabilities. Shipping organizations are experiencing an increasing number of cyberattacks, with the cost of these attacks and ransom demands soaring. With the expanding use of technology across all facets of shipping, from ship networks to offshore installations and onshore control centers, the potential for cybersecurity breaches continues to grow,” emphasized Tom Walters, a partner at Hollman Fenwick Willan, a global law firm, as reported by Heavylift PFI.

Incidents like the Viking Line Cyberattack underscore the critical need for robust cybersecurity measures in the shipping industry. It is imperative that we prioritize cybersecurity across various sectors to proactively address these challenges before they escalate to unmanageable proportions.

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