On Wednesday, the Canadian Armed Forces website was temporarily unavailable due to a cyber attack carried out by a hacking group from India. Daniel Le Boutelier, head of public relations for the Department of National Defense, said the problems began around noon but were fixed later in the day.

As Le Boutelier noted in a conversation with The Globe and Mail, some desktop users continued to have access to the site, while most mobile devices remained offline.

The incident occurred on a platform that a department spokesperson said is “separate and isolated” from Government of Canada and Department of National Defense public sites, as well as internal networks.

The Canadian Armed Forces, including the Navy, Special Command Groups, Air Force and Space Operations, are currently investigating the incident.

According to the Globe and Mail, the hacking group Indian Cyber ​​Force posted screenshots of the broken page of the armed forces website on its pages on the social network X and on the Telegram channel and claimed responsibility for this attack.

We will update this article when we have more information.

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