The social network formerly known as Twitter, now called X, has recently updated its privacy policy to include the collection of user biometric information, as well as their work and educational history. This updated policy allows X to gather data from various sources, including information provided by the user, their activity on the platform, and even third-party sources related to their internet usage.

The privacy policy categorizes these data collection activities into three main areas, with the addition of biometric data being highlighted as a recent change. X may collect biometric information with the user’s consent, specifically for security and identification purposes.

In addition to biometric data, X also has the ability to gather information about the user’s work and academic life. This feature is linked to the platform’s new function, which allows verified organizations to directly publish job offers. By incorporating work and academic data, X aims to enhance the user experience and connect individuals with relevant opportunities.

It’s important to note that the updated privacy policy will come into effect on September 29. Until then, the current policy, which does not include the collection of biometric, work, and academic data, will remain in force. This update reflects X’s commitment to transparency and ensuring that users are aware of the information being collected and how it will be used.

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