Counterintelligence agencies, including the FBI, caution that state-sponsored cyberspies are actively engaged in attempts to pilfer research and trade secrets from companies associated with the US space industry.

On Friday, the FBI, the National Center for Counterintelligence and Security (NCSC) and the Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) released a two-page bulletin titled “Securing America’s Space Industry,” naming Beijing and Moscow as the main threats. A counterintelligence official from the United States informed Reuters that there are expectations of an upsurge in threats targeting this emerging sector of the US economy.

As stated in the bulletin, space is key to all aspects of society, including emergency services, energy, financial services, telecommunications, transportation, and agriculture, as they all depend on space services.

The information shows that foreign threats are using cyberattacks and other methods to gain access to sensitive US information and pass it on to their governments. In some cases, foreign countries invest in joint ventures and/or acquisitions, including specific links in the supply chain.

Space companies have been advised to contact the FBI or AFOSI if they are suspected of being attacked and to keep a close eye on “strange incidents” by installing “insider threat” programs to detect people in positions sensitive.

The warnings from Washington are intensifying as the US space industry increases its spending on new rockets and other technology. The global space economy is expected to grow from $469 billion in 2021 to over $1 trillion by 2030, with the United States being the main driver of this growth.

According to the report, foreign intelligence agencies perceive US space assets and innovation not only as potential threats but also as valuable opportunities to obtain crucial technology and expertise. Exploitation of the US space industry could ultimately harm the national and economic security of the United States.

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