In a scenario that sounds like it is straight out of a spy thriller film, US coastguards have stumbled upon an unidentified signal located 30 miles beyond the continental United States. To decipher the origin and meaning of this signal, the US National Security Agency (NSA) has been called upon for their expertise.

However, this intriguing story is not an actual event, but rather the premise of the NSA Codebreaker Challenge, an annual competition for high school and university students across the US. The challenge, which was initiated in 2013, aims to provide an understanding of the NSA agents’ missions through fictional scenarios.

Rita Doerr, the NSA’s academic outreach lead, recently attended Black Hat USA on August 10, 2023, to share insights and lessons learned from the decade-long contest for the first time. She explained, “The Codebreaker Challenge, which involves the participation of numerous NSA professionals each year, offers students an opportunity to gain experience in dealing with classified matters in an unclassified manner.”

During her presentation, Doerr unveiled the theme of the 2023 edition of the competition, revealing that participating students will face nine tasks spanning from September 28 to December 21, 2023.

While the themes of the Codebreaker Challenge are entirely fictional, Doerr emphasized that they mirror the real cybersecurity challenges faced by the community at any given time. For example, the 2018 edition focused on the emerging threat of ransomware, reflecting the rise of such attacks during that period.

Doerr clarified that the Codebreaker Challenge is not a race, as participants have varying completion times. Some may finish within a week, while others may utilize the full duration. Some participants may only become aware of the challenge mere weeks or even days before the deadline.

Furthermore, Doerr pointed out that while the primary mission of the competition is to educate young people about the work of the NSA, an increasing number of tech-savvy students are already well-informed about the agency’s missions.

However, she noted that the Codebreaker Challenge remains an excellent recruitment tool for the NSA. Doerr stated, “NSA is actively hiring! We are embarking on our largest recruitment campaign ever, with plans to hire 3000 people this year.”

In 2022, the Codebreaker Challenge attracted 4,800 participants from 450 schools and universities, showcasing its popularity and the interest it generates among students.

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