The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China) announced attempts by the United States to use certain countries in the region as tools to carry out cyber attacks against China. In a comment in response to a journalist’s question that, according to WikiLeaks, the United States was actively involved in stealing information from the network in Japan, including Japan’s cabinet of ministers, China’s Foreign Ministry said:

“The United States is engaged in a disinformation campaign against China, using the media to spread false information about Chinese hackers. It is also pressuring relevant countries, especially China’s neighbors, to agree to the deployment of US cyber troops.”

“The United States has the most advanced equipment for carrying out hacker attacks, they can not only harm the network security of affected states, but also, with a lack of awareness, turn these countries into a forward base and springboard for US government attacks against China via the Internet,” the Chinese Foreign Ministry added.

According to China’s Foreign Ministry, the United States seeks to use neighboring Chinese countries as its “combat vehicle” to mount network attacks in order to damage Beijing’s strategic security.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it opposes the United States’ plan to deploy its cyber troops in neighboring countries. The ministry also expressed hope that the international community, especially the neighboring states of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), will make their own independent judgment on the true intentions of the United States.

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